Very nice for every well trained woman! My lovely 3rd wife requested such an excellent treatment every Saturday in public without any pity nor useless shame... Her nipples and vagina were so endurant, she always kept smiling while she got small stinging leaves INSIDE her so often used vagina, telling 'much harder' to the young guys frictionning the so called 'intim' (?) parts of her body... Obviously I always requested my tour offering proudly my cock and balls to ladies until I ejaculated in air or on her nipples...
Ma femme jouit et a un orgasme avec une touffe d'orties dans son vagin grand ouvert, lui "brûlant" le clitoris sans aucune pitié ni la moindre restriction. C'est pareil pour mon pénis qu'elle frotte vigoureusement aux orties et mes couilles qu'elle malaxe et peut secouer très fortement quand les orties tendent à les faire toujours remonter et se recroqueviller !
wounds. It works antibacterially. Treats hair loss. Read a little and you will see how many benefits there are. I pick nettles without gloves.